Saving Money with Window Treatments The inside environment of your house as well as the energy costs you pay, are greatly affected by the amount of light you allow to…
Going Green with Eco-Friendly Window Treatments You can develop sneezing, coughing, and even skin rashes as a result of the dust and allergens trapped in window treatments. With the help…
Reasons to choose Blinds for your house If you’re done decorating your house and are in the stage of weighing your options when choosing curtains or blinds, we recommend that…
Should You Go For Honeycomb shades? If you’re looking for super-functional, affordable, and stylish window shades for your home or office, honeycomb shades are definitely worth consideration. Also known as…
Getting Window Treatments Right For many, redecorating their homes serves to lift up their spirits, a calming and relaxing endeavor. When it comes to redecorating, an oft overlooked yet very…